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大家都清楚,美国的历史时间并不长,仅仅只有200多年袁维娅 。而中国文化源远流长,有5000多年的历史。我从书上了解到,美国的历史始于约500年前的殖民时代。
The history of the United States began with the early settlers about 500 years ago. The history of China goes back about 5000 years.
It is the history of a country that develops the character and culture of its prople.
China's amazing tales of the rise and fall of the great dynasties are an interesting contrast to the American history that centers on the expansion of the United States from east to west.
Americans give a stereotypical impression of being aggressive, outspoken and independent. What gives people outside of the United States this impression is the way they see Americans portaryed in movies and what they read about them in books and newspapers.
从电影中,我们总是认为美国人都比较有钱,雍正传奇 而且比较暴力,而事实上,这两者都不怎么正确。
Watching movies can easily give one the idea that all Americans are rich and like violence! This is not true in either case.
Americans tend to be more concerned with fulfilling the needs and desires of the individual.
